- shoot of apex
- бот. конус нарастания
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.
shoot apex — See: shoot tip … Glossary of Biotechnology
shoot tip — The terminal bud (0.1 1.0 mm) of a plant, which consists of the apical meristem (0.05 0.1 mm) and the immediately surrounding leaf primordia and developing leaves, and adjacent stem tissue. Synonym: shoot apex … Glossary of Biotechnology
apex — [ eɪpɛks] noun (plural apexes or apices eɪpɪsi:z) 1》 the top or highest part of something, especially one forming a point. ↘Botany the growing point of a shoot. 2》 the highest point of achievement. verb reach a high point or climax. Origin… … English new terms dictionary
apex — , plural apices. Tip; distal end of an organ such as a shoot, leaf, or root; in cycads, also the growing point of the caudex … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms
apex — The portion of a root or shoot containing the primary or apical meristem … Glossary of Biotechnology
shoot apex — noun : growing point … Useful english dictionary
root apex — The apical meristem of a root; very similar to the shoot apical meristem in that it forms the three meristematic areas: the protoderm (develops into the epidermis); the procambium (the stele); and the growth meristem (the cortex) … Glossary of Biotechnology
Abies firma — Foliage Conservation status … Wikipedia
plant development — Introduction a multiphasic process in which two distinct forms succeed each other in alternating generations. One form, created by the union of sexual cells (gametes (gamete)), contains two sets of similar chromosomes (diploid). At sexual… … Universalium
angiosperm — /an jee euh sperrm /, n. Bot. a plant having its seeds enclosed in an ovary; a flowering plant. Cf. gymnosperm. [ANGIO + SPERM] * * * ▪ plant Introduction any member of the more than 300,000 species of flowering plants (division Anthophyta) … Universalium
Glossary of botanical terms — Many of the terms used in Wikipedia glossaries (often most) are already defined and explained within Wikipedia itself. However, lists like the following indicate where new articles need to be written and are also useful for looking up and… … Wikipedia